Thursday, January 14, 2010

World of Warcraft Alliance Leveling Tips

The Alliance in World of Warcraft races as a whole including Humans, Night Elves, Dwarves and Gnomes are more popular with players. This means the situation that several quests in the area that require players to kill a particular animal may make it hard to find that animal for a while because you maybe racing other players who are standing around waiting for them to spawn. So the Alliance has a lot more quest-based content than the Horde. While this isn't noticeable at the earlier levels, many Horde players often find themselves running low on quests around level 25-30 and being forced to just "farm" random creatures for experience.

Here are some tips on how to quickly level your World of Warcraft Alliance character to level 80 and beyond in the least amount of game time.
  • Once you hit level 20, starting checking every mob you kill for loot. No telling when a purple or blue item will drop. These items usually fetch a hefty fee in the auction house so picking them up to sell them later can help you get gold much faster. More gold equals better items and faster travel. Better items and faster travel equal faster leveling speed.
  • Whenever I reach the "5 levels" (15, 25, 35, etc), I try to get the best food and water I can. These seems to help me through the tough times when there are lots of enemies wanting a piece of me. Instead of wasting time waiting for my health and mana to return, the food and water help me get back into the action much sooner. When trying to level as fast as possible, downtime between battles is an unseen enemy. Reduce your downtime and you increase your leveling speed.
  • I prefer to use the Night Elf race for Alliance leveling. There's something about being able to hide in the shadows that makes it appealing. A night elf hunter can be almost invisible to mobs and other players. Sometimes the best battles are the ones we don't fight. Long trips back from the cemetery put a dent in anyone's leveling time.
  • If starting a character on a new server, try to pick up the mining and skinning professions. These make it a lot easier to make money starting out. Hunters don't make the best miners since they cannot hunt and mine at the same time. Skinning involves killing animals and then taking their fur. The fur can be sold later on for money.
  • Since leveling is the most important thing, only take First Aid as a profession. Running back and forth to profession trainers is time consuming. So is getting enough resources in your inventory to make use of the profession. Instead, use that time for questing and building experience. First Aid requires cloth and is a profession that has immediate benefits after battles. Make some bandages and get moving again.
  • Use Auto Run when possible. It is amazing what you can do while you are using Auto Run. Make a sandwich. Rearrange your inventory. Carry on a chat conversation with someone. Use your travel time as wisely as possible.
  • Make sure your ammo supplies are topped off before you leave town. If you use arrows or bullets, make sure you have plenty to survive on until the next time you go back to town. There's nothing worse than a Hunter leaving town, having a few battles, and then coming back because he forgot to stock up on arrows before he left. Topping off your supplies might take a little extra time, but it will save travel time if you have to run back to town.
  • Destroy inventory items to save trips to town. If you are far from town and have a full inventory, it's not against any rule to destroy items to free up room. Try not to destroy items needed for quests.
Want more tips to level an Alliance character? Check out the Best Alliance Leveling Guide and take your Warcraft character to the next level with ease.

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