Saturday, June 13, 2009

World of Warcraft Gold Making Tips

Need to generate some cash flow for your World of Warcraft characters? Here's some WoW gold making tips that will save you a little time and energy on your main characters and send a pretty decent amount of gold.

Grinding or farming for gold in world of warcraft is the most common of basic gold getting, and is really not that popular with players. Most never grind as much as they should anyway. If you did you could farm about 250g per hour when done in the Burning Crusade game, of course mobs drop more coin and the items that vendor for a higher price.

Farming gold in the World of Warcraft is simple - you run around, kill a specific set of enemies, and sell your loot; but you've got to know a few things in order to be really successful at farming. Specifically, you've got to know how to be prepared, how to prioritize loot, and how to optimize your killing time.

Also added to those are the greens, blues and epics that sell for even larger price than before. You can sell items for more gold because the average drop rates has been increased due to more players with money to burn.

To play world of warcraft more effectively you must know the right places to farm and how to farm. Most players make minor mistakes that puts them far behind the competion when it comes to farming.

The downtime is a major mistake players make when grinding gold, and not killing other mobs. Included in this is: getting to the next mob, stopping to drink, talking with friends, not chain-casting your next spell, are all things that diminish your gold per hour rate, but the most common is taking time to eat and drink.

Taking time to eat or drink you are loosing 15-30 seconds of killing time. For arguments sake lets say you can kill 5 mobs in a row without eating or drinking. That means if you kill 100 mbos you are spending 10 minutes downtime eating and drinking. Most classes can't even make 5 mobs with some of the specs.

Remember that downtime is the key penalty to the rate of gold you collect when grinding or farming for gold in world of warcraft. You could double your gold rate over night with the right specs for your character.

If you would like more info on gold making check out this guide: Ultimate World Of Warcraft Unlimited Gold Guide With Videos - Hot!

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